The Lily & The Rose
Beginning with the New Moon April 22, 2020, we’ll embark on a Rootsong Treatment designed to help us access our deepest wells of Mercy, through ritual, sound, and visioning. Sourcing Mercy at the core of the body through sound, breath and movement gives us access to the Womb of the Universe.
From Her we radiate and to Her we return to replenish.
She grants us infinite space within, to dream and to immerse ourselves in the powerful and liberatory anointing of Forgiveness and Mercy. When we surrender, we dwell in a home in ourselves where there is no thing but Peace.
Altar work & guided journaling along with weekly readings & shared vocal and movement practices will sustain us as we journey through the 7 chambers of the Soul in what Teresa de Avila calls The Interior Castle.
Throughout this journey each of the 7 chambers presents many mirrors within, in order to confront our most unheard inner stories. As we move through the chambers we gain release and resources. We emerge lighter, and sometimes with jewels. And we prepare to be submerged again and again, each dive bringing strengthened serenity and heightened clairaudience.
You’ll have 2 one-on-one-sessions with me—one during our first week and one during our third week together. During weeks 2 and 4, we’ll meet in small groups (max. 7 people in each group) via Zoom. Throughout each week, you’ll have a daily practice guide, and when we meet one-on-one and in small groups, we’ll share insights gathered through each week.
Zoom sessions will consist of somatic movement, seated and moving meditation, vocalizing and writing as well as conversation on the weekly readings taken from Luisah Teish’s Jambalaya, Lucille Clifton’s The Book of Light, and St. Teresa’s Interior Castle. Readings will be heavy in meaning but not in length. Materials will be provided via dropbox.
Your own desire and insight will shape this Treatment as well.
This Treatment series is open to all people. Sacred sovereign space will be created for Black, Indigenous, and all non-white people in part by holding sovereign group Zoom sessions in additional to optional universal Zoom sessions.
Small groups will convene on Fridays and/or Sundays according to your time zone. One-on-ones will be scheduled acoording to our mutual availability. More detailed info will be shared as soon as you enroll.