Access your Root Sound. Water the Roots of Your Being.
Over 20+ years of teaching, I’ve developed the Rootsong™ system as a recipe whose ingredients include: vocal roots music, somatics, yogic breathing, and movement! Postural adjustments and fluid movements to release the resonance potential of the whole body, plus the body wisdom gained from performing for over two decades around the world, are the super powers I bring to the design of the Rootsong™ experience. Vocal self-care under some wild working conditions, and the athletic exigencies of the deeply rooted Black music that forms the heart of my repertoire as teacher and performer, all send me back to my root over and over. And its to your root that the process aims to guide you as well. I share this with students—so that their instrument—the voice in its full expression of Freedom— becomes profoundly available to them. In Rootsong™ workshops for communities and organizations, I share the process of improvisation as a tool for transformation. Rootsong™ invites you to water the roots of your Being by shaking loose what needs to get shook so you can access your unique root sound, the singular power of your true and rooted voice.